Appell Pie
September 2024
The 3 Stages of Advertising
At one time or another you may have developed an idea for ad you felt would be helpful to your business. You hired a graphic artist to create the ad and then you contacted your favorite publication (print or digital) to insert it one time “To see how it goes.” Do you know how many times I have heard this comment and seen the ad fail, why?
I’ve said this hundreds of times over the last 28 years of publishing Today’s Restaurant News, “No form of advertising works to its fullest success in just one insertion” I’ve thought about this common thought process held by people who don’t understand how advertising works and I want to try and explain the process that must be adhered to for a successful ad campaign.
Let’s assume you represent a new company or restaurant trying to break into the industry. No one know who you are or what you do. Just opening the doors is not enough.
Stage 1: Information
Make sure your ad has all of the elements needed to educate your potential customer that you exist. Be sure to include your full contact information including you address, website, phone number and email address. You have to look substantial and convey stability to have viewers consider you. This phase of the process will take some time 3 -7 looks by the viewer.
Stage 2: Sales
during this part of the process you may want to change elements of the ad to include price and more involved information about your selected product or service. Make sure there is a call to action and a way to place the order either by phone or online. This stage of the process will bring in sales from customers who feel secure with your company by seeing your ad in Stage 1.
Stage 3: More Sales and Reinforcement
By the time your ad reaches this stage your target market should be purchasing your offerings and feeling confident in what you provide to them. Reinforce your message of service and quality for example so that product or services remain the same for your customer. Now is the time to introduce new products and start the process again.
How long do I have to wait to get sales? It could be one time and then a drought of responses but that does not mean the campaign is not working. You need to sell your product today but your target market may not need it today. You have to fill a need to sell. Being consistent with your ads will lead to sales.
Every business should be setting aside a monthly amount, usually 10% for advertising in their yearly budget. Remember there are thousands of customers out there who do not know you or don’t realize what you do can help them. Even on Social Media the repetition of a video shown or eblasts needs time to work through the three stages needed for your successful campaign.
Trust the process to bring you to your desired goals. If you need help with a campaign feel free to contact me [email protected] or 561.620.8888.
To read more great articles you can use, visit www.trnusa.com
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