Looking back at a turbulent 2023 and forward to a better 2024
Appell Pie
December 2023
Appell Pie December 2023
Another Page Turned
As we turn the page on another year we look forward to 2024 and what it may bring. As my mother always said “The only constant in life is change.” Change, that sounds familiar, never mind that’s for another column. Looking back on 2023 I guess we could say the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic are still being felt and the economy is till the number one topic of concern.
Staffing and supply chain problems continue to haunt suppliers, managers and the general public. The war in Ukraine still rages on and the war is Israel started up in October with no end in sight. Hostages are being exchanged as I write this column.
Mergers, partnerships and buyouts were really big in 2023. Edward Don was bought by Sysco, Twitter was bought by Elon Musk and renamed to X, NAKS, Inc. announced the acquisition of Stainless Specialties, Inc. as food companies merged to avoid closing.
Restaurant chains closed hundreds of company-owned locations as large franchisees went bankrupt due to the changing desires of the general public as a result of the pandemic and post pandemic conditions.
Like every company that is adapting to survive, Today’s Restaurant is still alive after twenty- eight years of publishing, thanks to you our readers who use our advertisers for their needs throughout the year. Of course, our advertisers are the blood in our veins and we thank each and every one of them for their support, trust and for making an investment in their future by telling their story to our readers. Remember that advertising has to be a line item in your budget whether you are a startup or an existing business of any kind, especially now.
Our thanks to the writers who believe in the value of being seen in Today’s Restaurant. These people are experts in their field who submit stories to us for your benefit. They are very much appreciated. Our creative design team headed up by Jim Pollard makes your ads and our newspaper design look great month after month and to Lisa Hoddinott our website designer and webmaster.
I hope that 2024 will be better for all of us and that you will benefit from reading our publication which we have been bringing to you every month for twenty-eight years. In order to prosper in the Intranet world, we have added new products to our menu like our New Openings Reports, Eblast programs, Business Networking groups and online advertising. Our reach on Social Media has grown to over five hundred thousand potential readers.
We are not going to rest on our past achievements we have some new and exciting features that will launch in 2024. We are always looking for ways to make our product better and to bring you the news you can use to run your business more efficiently and increase profitability.
Last but not least a big thank you to our editorial team and office staff who work untold hours to bring you the news of the greatest industry in the world. We all wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
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