Appell Pie
June 2024
Customer Service on Steroids
It’s Mother’s Day 2024 and there are no children for thousands of miles so we decided to have a leisurely day. By four o’clock we had enough leisure and decided to try and go out for dinner at Texas Roadhouse. We called the restaurant and got the expected answer that there was an eighty-five-minute wait so we put our name on the list via their wait-list app and scheduled our departure time from our house.
Mother’s Day in Florida is usually the last weekend before the Summer heat and humidity arrive for the next six months, but it arrived early this year. The heat index was around a hundred and there were people waiting outside the main entrance for their name to be called. No one passed out yet.
Texas Roadhouse has always been high on my list of well-run restaurants with high volume food, good service and a friendly atmosphere, but this Mother’s Day they went above and beyond customer care. (I don’t know if they have a standard procedure for high volume days at every location since this was the first time we attempted to get in on a holiday) Two square portable canopies were erected on the grass with bench seating for those who needed to stay in the shade. A table with two drink dispensers was alongside the canopies and games were set up for kids and adults to play alongside.
We waited about ten minutes under the canopy and received our text message alerting us to enter the lobby to be seated. We waited by the butcher counter/bakery mentally selecting the type of steak we wanted to order while watching baskets of hot yeast rolls beginning their journey to waiting diners. The hostess then showed us to our table. All in all, it was not a bad experience for the busiest day of the year in a restaurant.
While preparing to write this column I came across an online article entitled 14 Things You Should Know About Texas Roadhouse https://www.tastingtable.com/1589197/things-to-know-about-texas-roadhouse/ I did not know they sell you can buy a candle that smells just like a warm basket of Texas Roadhouse classic rolls with delectable honey cinnamon butter.
May 30th is my birthday and every year we rack our brains to go or do something to include our two Florida granddaughters and keep them involved before during and after dinner. This year while discussing where to go to celebrate the oldest one overheard the suggestion to go to Texas Roadhouse and she yelled out, ”Yeah, the place with the hot cinnamon butter rolls?” She had never been there but must have heard about it from one of her friends. That was all we needed to hear, it was set. Amazingly my son and daughter-in-law are not meat eaters and they graciously gave in to our night of down-home country fun. Country music, line dancing and fun for the whole family along with my favorite 12- ounce rib eye, Caesar salad and green beans. Oh yeah don’t forget the peanuts! Yee Haw.
Follow Up: The kids loved it especially when they brought a saddle on a stand for me to sit on while the whole restaurant sang Happy Birthday and the runners brought out ice cream and brownies that were pre-ordered by Terri. The other diners at the tables around us chimed in and laughed along with us.
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